

Asim Vatovci(Architect)

Community Health Center

Location:Gllamnik, Podujeva - Kosova
Typology: Healthcare
Author|s:Asim Vatovci, Arsim Gërxhaliu
Year of realisation:2022
Collaborators:Agon Bejtullahu, Gazmend Uka, Dijamant Kabashi, Agan Lezi, Ramadan Ahmeti, Raif Shatri, Burim Smajli
Photography: Asim Vatovci
Community Health Center
The vision of the “Family Medicine Center” was developed aiming to create a building with a powerful presence and contemporary architecture. The use of strong and easily maintainable materials is an important aspect of the project. The aim of the project is to provide a structure that dominates the location and serves as a reference not only for architecture, but also for public health services. Organizing the facility with a large lobby that is open to the outside and has controlled access to the interior is a smart and convenient choice. The contemporary architecture of the building presents a unique treatment of the facades, combining clean volumes and sharp contrasts to help create a strong and attractive presence for the building.
Photography: Asim Vatovci
Photography: Asim Vatovci
The use of special materials to separate the side volumes of the building from the central one, gives an attractive aesthetic aspect and physical transparency that is important for public institutions. This project combines function, design and a responsible approach to the environment and community. “Family Medicine Center” represents an important contribution to healthcare and the health infrastructure of Kosovo. At a time when health services have encountered challenges and displacement of medical personnel, the construction of such a facility is important and has a visible impact on the improvement of health conditions as an example carried by the experiences of international cooperation in the field of health and architecture.



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